As I've been reading up on RA one of the things that is consistently stressed on every website and in every article I've read is the importance of support from family, and having family well informed on what is going on in my life will help me emotionally. I know you all have busy lives, but this disease has become such a huge part of my every day life I want to share with you what I'm going through, and I'm hoping it will really help me to know there are people I can talk to when I'm having a bad day or week.
I am in no way doing this to make anyone feel sorry for me, I just want to be treated normally and make people more aware what RA can do.

Saturday, January 9, 2010


I've been on the same treatment plan for my RA for 16 months now. I still hate giving myself a shot every week, no big surprise there though.

I feel very blessed that the treatment I'm on is helping so much still. The only RA related complaints I have these days are stiffness in my hands in the morning, and my legs if I sit too long. And since those are my only physical complaints I'd say I'm pretty lucky!

Because of the miracle of modern medicine I am living a completely normal fulfilling life, I can do all the things I could in my pre-RA days. And some days I can almost imagine I don't actually have RA...I just take LOTS of vitamins! :)

I have yet to see any upside to this disease/trial. I just don't think there is. I'm just glad I don't see and feel the downside very often these days.

So that's my update. I feel good. I feel normal and healthy and lucky.

Here's hoping nothing changes, I like this feeling!


Robyn said...

Medicine is great, huh? I'm happy you're doing so well with you treatment.

Unknown said...

I'm so glad to hear your treatment is working well for you!

Mother Gooneybird said...

I am glad you are doing so well. An upside of health struggles? I could share one I have discovered. It is that ability to truly feel empathy for others with similar trials and be able to give them help and or comfort. I am sure you will have this opportunity if you haven't already.
Keep up the can do attitude and you'll be a blessing to many!